Get help dividing property

Legal Aid WA offers information, resources and in some cases legal advice on dividing property. 

amica is a secure online tool which can help separated couples reach agreement about dividing property. amica uses artificial intelligence and can provide a suggested split of property. amica can also help you complete the forms you need to apply to the Family Court for consent orders for a property settlement.

There is also amica one which is a single-sided version of amica. You can use amica one to get an estimate of what your property settlement might look like, without involving your ex-partner. 

Visit amica to find out whether it is right for you. 

Preparing to see a lawyer 

If you are separating and seeking advice about property, being prepared for your first appointment with a lawyer will help make the most of the time you have and help keep costs down. 

The Infosheet - Property Settlement: Preparing to see a lawyer will help you get ready for your property appointment with a lawyer. 

Private lawyers and law firms

You can search for a family lawyer on the Family Law Practitioners' Association of Western Australia website. You can also find a directory of lawyers in WA on the Law Society of Western Australia website.

Community Legal Centres (CLCs) 

The following CLCs may be able to provide information or legal advice on dividing property:

Law Access

Law Access is a not-for-profit organisation that assists people find free legal assistance. Law Access tries to help people who will benefit most from legal assistance, who can't afford private lawyers or get help from other places (such as Legal Aid WA or CLCs). Find out more about the service here.

Family Dispute Resolution Services

  • Relationships Australia Western Australia - 1300 364 277 provide a range of separation services including Family Dispute Resolution for parenting and property. For more information about this service see here. 
  • Centrecare - provide Family Dispute Resolution for parenting and property. For more information about this service see here. To make an appointment telephone one of the central referral numbers:
    • Mirrabooka (08) 9440 0400
    • Goldfields (08) 9080 0333
    • Joondalup (08) 9300 7300
  • Citizens Advice Bureau - (08) 9221 5711 provide Family Dispute Resolution for parenting and property. 


Reviewed: 7 February 2023


The information displayed on this page is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have a legal problem, you should see a lawyer. Legal Aid Western Australia aims to provide information that is accurate, however does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information provided on this page or incorporated into it by reference.