Law Week provides a wonderful opportunity for our teams to engage communities across Western Australia, highlight issues affecting access to justice, and actively build community awareness and understanding of the law, the legal system and the legal profession. With a focus on Justice, Inclusion and Community, we had so much to share this year that we have developed a two-week program of engaging events, collaborations and activities happening across the state. Check out the program below and register to get involved and improve your legal literacy!
Starting Monday 13 May, the first series of the Law Talk WA podcast will go to air. A collaboration between Legal Aid WA, Community Legal WA, Law Access and a number of individual Community Legal Centres across WA, Series one Separation: Navigating the road ahead contains six episodes and is designed to help people who are navigating their way through separation. Read about the podcast and find out how to subscribe here.
Wednesday 15 May: our West Kimberley team will join other service providers in the region and host an information stall at the Derby Law Week community event, 9am-12pm.
Thursday 16 May: our first Law Week public webinar What you need to know about the May 2024 changes to Family Law will commence at 10:30am. More info and register here.
Friday 17 May: Staff event to mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia, with a focus on justice, inclusion and community.
Friday 17 May: Law Week webinar for WA lawyers and allied professionals Legal Aid WA – How We Help in Family Law. More info and register here.
Monday 20 May: our West Kimberley team will join other local service providers and host an information stall at the Broome Law Week community event starting at 9am.
Tuesday 21 May: Legal Aid WA will proudly be participating in the Law Access Walk for Justice event in Perth.
Thursday 23 May: A specialised two-hour online event Interim Hearing Workshop for Regional Family Lawyers will be delivered. SOLD OUT. Email cle@legalaid.wa.gov.au for more information.
Thursday 23 May: Launch of R.U.Legal? Instagram channel for youth in Western Australia. Subscribe here.
Thursday 23 May: Law Week public webinar for educators R U Legal? Community Legal Education for Educators. Providing information about the program including key messages of R U Legal? Starts at 4:30pm. more info and register here.
Thursday 23 May: Law Week public webinar R U Legal? webinar for parents and caregivers. Essential information for parents of teens, commencing at 6:00pm. More info and register here.
For a full list of what’s in store from across the WA legal community, check out the Law Society of WA’s Law Week program!