World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is commemorated on the 15 June every year. It is a day for recognising and presenting a united stand against abuse in all forms against older people in our community.
Legal Aid WA is passionate about raising awareness in the community about what constitutes elder abuse, as well as providing accessible resources and programs to older West Australians.
Elder Rights WA (ERWA) is our specialist legal advice and assistance service located within the Civil Law Division. ERWA has been developed to provide effective legal assistance to older people experiencing any form of elder abuse, and to safeguard and advocate for the rights of older people in Western Australia.
Throughout June we will be out and about across both metro and regional WA. If you, or someone you care about is looking to chat with us, then come along to one of the below events and say hi!
What? |
When? |
Where? |
Seniors Expo |
14 June 2023 10am – 2pm |
Whitfords City Shopping Centre |
14 June 2023 |
South Hedland Library |
The Peel WEAAD Forum |
15 June 2023 |
David Grays Arena, Rushton Park, Mandurah |
Busselton Senior Citizens Pop-up Display |
15 June 2023 9 - 11am |
Busselton Senior Citizens Centre |
City of Rockingham WEAAD Event |
15 June 2023 10am – 2pm |
Gary Holland Community Centre |
Shire of Harvey WEAAD Event |
15 June 2023 1:30 – 3pm |
Harvey War Memorial Library |
City of Rockingham CLE Session |
19 June 2023 1 – 2pm |
Mary Davies Library Baldivis |
In addition to the events listed above, there are also Wills Clinics held through the Kimberley Region, and multiple WEAAD Events happening throughout Perth and the regions. Many of these events are listed on the wa.gov.au website.
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing elder abuse, you can contact Elder Rights WA by calling Legal Aid WA's Infoline on 1300 650 579, or emailing ElderRightsWA@legalaid.wa.gov.au.