Videos - When Separating

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The videos in the When Separating series use a mix of drama-driven stories and documentary-style features.

The videos cover issues about children, property and finances, family violence, and resolving disputes. They suggest how you can do what's best for yourself and members of your family.

Each video in When Separating focuses on a different aspect that can be involved with separation, including information about what Family Dispute Resolution and legal services are available to help you.

It’s happening to us

Part 1. Telling the children
Separation, divorce and child custody

Telling the children: Separation, divorce and child custody

Part 2. Getting help and advice
Finding support for separating parents

Getting help and advise
Part 3. Planning for the future
Moving forward after separating or divorce
Planning for the future: Moving forward after separating or divorce

Family violence

Getting help if you or your family are at risk
Family and domestic violence
Getting help if you or your family are at risk: Family and domestic violence

High conflict relationships

Parents that argue
Change your words, change the outcomes
Parents that argue: Change your words, change the outcomes

Other things to consider

Resolving disputes
Different methods of dispute resolution after separation
Resolving disputes: Different methods of dispute resolution after separation
Rural and regional families
Dealing with challenges after separation or divorce
Rural and regional families: Dealing with challenges after separation or divorce

If you are having difficulty playing the videos, we recommend you try with another browser (such as Chrome or Firefox).


Reviewed: 6 January 2021


The information displayed on this page is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have a legal problem, you should see a lawyer. Legal Aid Western Australia aims to provide information that is accurate, however does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information provided on this page or incorporated into it by reference.