Civil matter panels

There are two panels in relation to civil matters. The eligibility criteria to become a member of each panel are set out on this page. The links below will take you to the names of private practitioners who are currently members of each panel:

Grants of aid relating to applications for restraining orders involving allegations of family violence (including responding to applications) are treated as a family law matter and can only be assigned to practitioners on the Restraining Order Panel.

Civil Law Panel

Practitioners on this panel can be assigned grants of aid in relation to civil law matters (other than veterans’ matters). Applicants must demonstrate that they have:

Civil Law - Veterans Panel

Practitioners on this panel can be assigned grants of aid in relation to veterans’ matters. Applicants must demonstrate that they:

  • meet the criteria for membership of the Civil Law Panel, and
  • have experience in veterans’ matters.


Reviewed: 11 December 2023


The information displayed on this page is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have a legal problem, you should see a lawyer. Legal Aid Western Australia aims to provide information that is accurate, however does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information provided on this page or incorporated into it by reference.