Other places you can get legal help

Legal Aid WA tries to help as many people as we can with their legal problems. However we can’t help everyone.

If you cannot get help from us, there are other legal organisations who may be able to assist.

Here is some information about other organisations that might be able to assist you. What they can do for you, and any conditions or costs for their services, is up to them to decide.

You can also check Find legal answers to learn about other places that can help with particular topics.

ALS WA logoThe Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia provides legal support and representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in WA. It has a Head Office in Perth and 11 regional offices.

ALSWA may be able to help with:

  • Criminal Law: advice and representation is for all matters, including remands, bail applications, sentencing hearings, pleas of not guilty, jury trials and appeals;
  • Family Law: representation for protection orders in the Children’s Court, assistance at pre-birth meetings, and limited assistance for parenting matters in the Family Court;
  • Civil Law and Human Rights Law: coronial investigations and inquests, racial discrimination, police and government accountability, false imprisonment, prisoner’s rights, and matters involving young people in the justice system.

Additional services include the Bail Support Service, Prison In-Reach Program, Custody Notification Service, Work Development Permit Service, Your Story Disability Legal Support, Youth Engagement Program and Community Legal Education.

Visit ALSWA's website or call 1800 019 900 for more information about their services and offices.  

CLC Association of WA logo

Community Legal Centres (CLCs) are not-for-profit community organisations that provide legal and support services to the public. There are 28 CLCs in metropolitan and regional areas in WA.

Most CLCs focus on particular client groups, legal problems or geographic areas. Priority is often given to people who are disadvantaged or having special needs. CLCs offer different levels of service, from legal advice and basic assistance, up to ongoing representation.

If you are eligible for help, assistance is usually provided for free or at low-cost.

You can find out more from Community Legal WA. Visit the website for each CLC for information about their services and contact details.

Note: Ruah Legal Services also provides a Care and Protection Service.

National FVPLS OchreDay logoFamily Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS) are specialist services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have experienced or are at risk of family violence or sexual assault.

FVPLS provide information, legal advice, referrals, case representation, and counselling or support services.  Their legal services cover the areas of restraining orders, child protection, criminal injuries compensation from family violence or sexual assault, child support and family law issues.

Links and contact details for the 9 FVPLS services across Perth and regional WA are below. A number of them are run by Aboriginal Family Legal Services (AFLS).

Law Society of WA logo

The Law Society of Western Australia is the professional association for lawyers in WA.

Find a lawyer

The Law Society has a directory of its members (private lawyers and law firms). The directory can be searched using the type of legal problem, the lawyer’s location, and your language needs. The directory only lists lawyers or firms for a fee for service that are members of the Law Society and the results are displayed in random order.

Disclaimer: The Law Society does not warrant or guarantee the work undertaken by any firm listed or provided in a referral and is not liable in relation to any aspect of legal services they may provide to you.

Law Access logo

Law Access is a not-for-profit organisation that assists people and community organisations find free legal assistance.

Apply for legal assistance

Law Access looks at applications for legal assistance and tries to match them up to lawyers offering pro bono assistance. Law Access tries to help people who will benefit most from legal assistance, who can’t afford private lawyers or get help from other places (such as Legal Aid WA or CLCs). There are eligibility criteria to determine if the legal problem qualifies for assistance and also a means test.

Visit the Law Access website to find out more about what matters Law Access can help with, as well as information about how to apply for assistance.


Reviewed: 27 April 2018

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If you have questions about the law, we have legal answers.


The information displayed on this page is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have a legal problem, you should see a lawyer. Legal Aid Western Australia aims to provide information that is accurate, however does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information provided on this page or incorporated into it by reference.